1. why the Jquery code in video3.1.js is not optimal? Because if we have multiple elements of the same type all of them are going to be affected by our code. 2. What is Event-Delegation and why it is important? Event-Delegation is a technique of event handling, instead of adding an event handler to all elements of the same type we instead add one event handler to a common parent and that way all the children of that parent get that same event handler. It is important because that way we can dynamically add or remove new elements without having to rebind the same event handler to the added elements. 3. When will this code execute? and what does it do? $("button").on('click', function(e) { $(this).remove(); }); It will run when a button gets clicked and it removes that button from the DOM. 4. When will this code execute? and what does it do? $(".vacation").on("click", "button", function(e) { $(this).remove(); }); It will run when a button element under the element with id "vacation" gets clicked and it removes that button from the DOM.